موقع الهيئة العامة للتأمين الصحى -- إضغط على الصورة أسفل العنوان

أهــلا وسهــلا بــكم فى موقـع العــيادة الشــاملة بالحـامول -- موقـع طـبى مجـانى -- الألـف كتـاب -- فـرع كفـرالشــيخ -- الهـيئه العـامة للـتأمين الصـحى

اذاعــــة القــــــران الكــــريـم

الثلاثاء، 5 يناير 2010

M C Q about HCV

1. All is true as regard HCV infection except :
• RNA enveloped virus.
• Parenteral transmission.
 Causing rapid , progressive liver cirrhosis.
• Present in hepatocyte and other cells.
• Endemic in Egypt.
2. HCV causes all the following except:
• Acute selflimited Asymptomatic hepatitis in most of cases.
• Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis.
• Acute fulminant hepatitis in < 1%.
 Persistent viraemia is linked to ch.hepatitis in 40%.
3. Treatment of hepatitis HCV showed :
• Peg.interferon and Ribavirin are standard treatment.
 Liver biopsy is essential before treatment.
• Hepatic fibrosis (grade 5/6 -6/6) is contraindication for Interferon therapy.
• Interferons improves hepatic histology.
• Interferon can be used alone.
4. Contraindication for Interferon therapy includes all except:
 Age: 55 – 60 y.
• Other autoimmune diseases.
• Uncompensated lives diseases.
• Sever anemia Hb < 8.5 gm/dL.
• Pregnancy.
5. Ribaviria can causes all the following except :
• Decrease ALT.
• Improves hepatic histology.
 Decrease HCV viral load.
• Hoemolysis.
• Not used with uncontrolled sever hypertension.

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